Action Plan

       Daniel Robb                   HND Sound Production Graded Unit 2

Interpretation of Brief

I have been tasked with applying for two hypothetical jobs in the field of sound production and to complete a portfolio and presentation, the aim of which is to convey that I have gained enough knowledge and practical experience throughout the HND course to be able to work professionally.

HND Sound Production Core Units:
  • Creative Industries Infrastructure
 Evidence of this unit will be shown through my networking and negotiations with bands for recording, and with venue managers and bands in a live sound environment.
  • Working in the Creative Industries
I will show knowledge gained through this subject by including a SWOT analysis in my action pan, as well as keeping a detailed logbook of my activities, which will include target setting. I will also complete a self evaluation after my development stage is finished. 
  • Sound Production Theory 1 & 2
This core unit will be integrated into my project through my logbook, and in my presentation, where i will discuss the microphone and recording techniques i have used throughout the course, including stereo, and multi-microphone techniques. I will also discuss audio processing that i have used, both within DAWS software and as physical equipment in recordings and live events.
  • Sound Production Practice 1 & 2
I will integrate knowledge from this subject in my logbook and my presentation, by talking about recordings i have undertaken, with regards to the equipment and microphones that were used with a justification and explanation. I will also talk about live sound events that i have been involved in, and show that i am able to set up a sound reinforcement system and run a gig.
  • Digital Audio Workstations 1 & 2
Knowledge of this core unit will be shown through my analysis of my productions, where i will explain and justify my use of editing, panning and automation, as well as audio processing using plug-ins. I will also show use of MIDI recording, as well as mastering software.
  • Acoustics 1
This subject will be integrated into the project through my recordings, where i will talk about the properties of the room where the recording took place, with regards to sound waves and frequency response.
  • Digital Audio Theory
Knowledge gained from this subject will be shown through talking about the mastering process, especially with regards to bouncing finished mixes in different compressed and uncompressed formats.
  • Management Skills and Legal Issues
I will show knowledge of this subject through talking about potential legal and copyright issues that may relate to my productions, as well as showing goal setting and time management by using a Gantt chart and outlining the goals for my project in my action plan.
The Jobs I have decided to apply for are as a Live Sound Engineer and to work as a Freelance Mixing Engineer. 

Live Sound Engineer

“We are expanding our company and operations in live sound and are looking to take on an experienced and motivated sound engineer to control and produce live gigs at different venues around Glasgow.”

The Job will include: 
  • Transporting and safely moving equipment into and out of venues.
  • Effectively and safely rigging and de-rigging equipment such as PA systems, mixing desks, outboard equipment and power amplifiers, microphones, cables and stands.
  • Communicating with bands members/performers to undertake sound checks and monitor mixes, and to ensure a high standard of professionalism throughout the event.
  • Maintenance and fault finding may also be required.

Ideally, candidates will:
  • Have a good knowledge of setting up and operating analogue and digital sound reinforcement systems.
  • Be familiar with current health and safety laws and other legal issues, especially those regarding safe listening levels and electrical safety.
  • Know of different microphone types and appropriate placement and techniques.
  • Be able to effectively use outboard rack equipment such as equalisers, compressors, effects units and possibly external multitrack recorders, as well as Digital Audio Workstation software.
  • Have good communication skills in order to work effectively with venue staff and performers.
  • Be physically fit, as heavy lifting will often be required to move equipment.

Freelance Mixing Engineer

Alongside applying for the live sound job, I would also like to start working as a freelance mix engineer where I would take band’s and performer’s recording sessions and mix and master them using Digital Audio Workstation(DAWs) software and an appropriate mastering suite. I think this would work well alongside live sound work, as it means that I can network with the bands I meet at gigs, and potentially mix their music at a later time.

This would include: 
  • Working within different DAW programmes and mastering software.
  • Using controller keyboards and other MIDI and virtual instruments.
  • Using external audio interfaces and a variety of plug-ins.
  • Business and time management skills as well as self-motivation.
  • Good communication skills and a knowledge of file types.

Approach Statement

My portfolio will consist of works I have produced throughout the 2 years of the HND course, and will include mixes, creative remixes, multitrack and recording sessions, live sound work, a multimedia project, a spectrum analysis and examples of various stereo and surround sound microphone techniques. These productions will be mixed and mastered to a professional standard and presented in an appropriate format, and will convey knowledge I have gathered from different subjects throughout the course. 

I will ensure that I am prepared and stay on track throughout the course of the project by outlining clear and concise goals and timescales for the completion of each stage of the unit, and I will also keep a logbook where I will detail any information I have gathered from inside the college or from other sources that I feel is relevant to my work. This will also be used to keep notes of how I record, mix and master my productions, along with explanations and justifications for choices I make throughout these processes. I will then create a presentation, which will include my action plan, logbook and portfolio, and showcase my abilities as a sound engineer.

After I have completed my planning stage, portfolio and presentation, I will complete an evaluation in which I will talk about how well my project satisfied the graded unit brief and how well I managed to meet my original objectives. I will also assess the strengths and weaknesses of my project, and discuss which aspects of my assignment worked well and which did not. Finally, I will also identify and talk about any skills or knowledge I may have gained throughout the project, any problems which may have arisen and how they were overcome, and conclude by giving my own thoughts on the graded unit assignment and any recommendations I may have for future projects.

SWOT Analysis

  • Professional and organised approach to work.
  • Interested in seeing projects through to the end. Don’t like leaving things unfinished.
  • 2 years’ worth of college education and experience.
  • Lots of experience with DAWs such as Pro Tools 10 and 11, Logic Pro 9, Sonar 8.5 and Adobe Audition, as well as mastering software such as Waveburner and Wavelab 8.
  • Extensive live sound experience in venues such as Glad Café, Maggie Mays, The Blytheswood Hotel, The Garage, The Barrowlands and other venues around Glasgow with Pro Sound Services.
  • Some experience doing sound for broadcast while working for Pro Sound on a BBC Alba documentary and an STV debate programme.
  • Comfortable and experienced in using analogue and digital (Roland M-380, Midas Pro 2C) sound reinforcement systems and I have experience working as a front of house and as a monitor engineer.
  • Already have an extensive list of contacts in the industry, including friends, family, other students and colleagues working with Pro Sound Services.
  • Have played instruments such as guitar, bass guitar and keyboard for a number of years.
  • Play in a band and have been recorded myself, giving me an appreciation for how band members work together and how it feels to be in a studio as part of a band.
  • Higher Music qualification and playing/writing my own music gives me a greater understanding of song composition and structure.
  • I don’t yet own any of my own equipment such as mixers, PA, cables and microphones, so I will be restricted in the gigs I can engineer.
  • Travel into and from Glasgow can be expensive and sometimes time consuming, which means that I could not do short notice events.
  • I have still do build an extensive portfolio of mixes across different DAWs.
  • I already own Pro Tools 11, Sonar LE and Ableton Live Lite, as well as an audio interface.
  • I have access to microphones and studio space through the college, and I can also borrow and hire equipment from friends and colleagues through Pro Sound Services.
  • Working with Pro Sound Services doing equipment maintenance and refurbishment has taught me lots about electronics, components, wiring and cabling.
  • Always have access to gigs I can engineer through Pro Sound Services, where I can also network with bands/performers who I may be able to record and mix.
  • Increasing numbers of musicians and songwriters are recording and editing their own music from home.
  • There will always be people with more experience and qualifications than me, as well as better funding and equipment.
  • Both live sound work and freelance mixing work are very popular and saturated markets which lots of sound engineers wish to work in, so I will have lots of competition.
  • This could mean that it will be hard for me to get noticed, especially in a cultural city like Glasgow.

Goals and Action Plan

  • Successful completion of the HND Sound Production course and progression to University.
  • Have mixes, masters and documentation to show experience using DAWs programmes, Mastering software, studio recording knowledge, live sound work and location recording and surround sound work.
  • Continue live sound work around Glasgow, and advertise mixing and mastering service on websites such as
  • Apply to join The Audio Engineering Society, also potentially make my own mixing/mastering website in the future so that prospective clients can view my information, portfolio and contact me.

 Objective                                                                Date   Completed
Produce at least 3 mixes using various DAWS programmes
2st May

Produce at least 1 re-mix
2st May

Produce at least 1 studio recording
11th April

Produce a surround sound recording and mix and complete a spectrum analysis
25th April

Create masters of productions and document recording, mixing and mastering stages
5th May

Maintain and complete a logbook and upload it to my blog
12th March

Collate all of my master mixes and documentation into a portfolio on my blog
9th May

Create a presentation to showcase my knowledge, experience and abilities
9th May

Materials and Resources to be used

The materials and resources I will use throughout my project will include:
  • Apple iMac and Desktop PC
  • DAWS software such as Pro 10 and 11, Logic Pro and Sonar 8.5
  • Mastering software including Waveburner and Wavelab 8
  • Audio interface and MIDI controller keyboard
  • My own computer with Microsoft Office
  • Location Recording kit
  • College studio space and hardware including mixing desk, monitoring speakers, outboard equipment, iZ Radar multitrack recorder, cables, DI boxes and various types of microphones
  • Live sound equipment such as mixing desks, PA systems, monitor wedges, power amplifiers, outboard equipment, cables and microphones
  • College course notes and reference books/articles

Information and Research Sources

The websites I plan to use for research and information gathering include:
  • Stow college moodle

I will also utilize books and magazines to further my knowledge and abilities. These will include:
  • Sound On Sound Magazine
  • MIX Magazine
  • Audio Technology
  • “Zen and the Art of Mixing” – “Mixerman” 
  • “Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio” – Mike Senior
  • “Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science” – Bob Katz

Stages and Timescales

I have identified the stages and timescales for successful completion of the graded unit as follows:

  • Start and maintain log book from the beginning of March until the end of the project
  • Complete Planning section by the beginning of April
  • All Studio recording should be completed by the beginning of April
  • Surround Sound recording and Spectrum analysis should be completed by the end of April
  • All audio material to be used should be mixed and mastered by the beginning of May
  • Entire portfolio, including evidence and documentation, should be added to my blog by the end of the first week in May
  • Final presentation should be completed, rehearsed and ready to go by the end of the second week in May
  • Evaluation of project and presentation should be completed and added to my blog by the end of the third week in May

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