
Graded Unit Logbook 

 Action Plan

My plan of action is to apply for two hypothetical jobs: as a Live Sound Engineer and a Freelance Mixing Engineer, and to create a portfolio and presentation to show my skills and knowledge that i have learned over the period of the HND course. I will included evidence for each of my classes from the course by adding and analyzing my mixes, recordings, live sound work, and projects from throughout the year. I will also included identification of my goals and objectives for the project, a SWOT analysis, sources of research that i hope to use and a Gantt chart and time management stages.
Thursday 27th February

I have officially started working on and planning out my graded unit, and throughout the process i will keep a logbook, which will be used to document the work i do for the project, with regards to my portfolio, mixing and mastering songs, research i have done and how this influenced me or my ideas, and at the later stage of the project the development and thoughts that i have for my presentation. I will keep this logbook written in a notepad in the beginning so that i can take it to college with me or to any gigs or recording sessions i am involved with, but at the end of the project i will type it up and add it to a blog.

Sunday 2nd March

Today i engineered a small gig in the Blytheswood Hotel. The setup was a pair of HK Audio Elias PX Active Tops as the FoH system, and one single logic system wedge for monitoring. The band consisted of a keyboard which i used a DI box on, a cajon which i used an SM57 on, a bass guitar which also went through a DI box, and an electric guitar and trumpet, both picked up using Sm57's. There were also two SM58 vocal microphones for the keyboard player and guitarist.

 It was a fairly simple gig, and the only thing that went wrong was that one of the HK Audio speakers would not work properly as the gain pot that was on the back of the unit had been knocked inside the speaker and was blocking the fan from spinning. This was replaced by a D&B C6 Top, a passive speaker, using a speakon cable into one of the aux outputs. This meant that i had the right side of the FoH using an active speaker on the main output fader, and the left side using a passive speaker on the first auxiliary output fader, which meant that i had to do a fair bit of work in balancing the two signals and getting them to sound the same through each speaker.

Thursday 6th March

I have started working on my action plan this week, setting out my interpretation of the project brief and creating two hypothetical jobs that i will apply to. I have also added a table of my goals and objectives for the project as well as a SWOT outlining my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and any threats to me. I plan to look at examples of previous student's project and see how they have structured their plans and projects as  a whole.

Sunday 16th March

I was involved in setting up a live sound system in the Gorbals Sound Studio, for a few bands to film a documentary and a performance set for BBC Alba. This was a very interesting opportunity, as it allowed me to gain some knowledge and experience in broadcast audio, as well as see the layout and equipment of a high end studio. I have also continued to work on my action plan, as i have now identified my stages and created a Gantt chart for time management.

Friday 21st March

On Friday night i helped with the setup and sound check of a system in Glasgow University for an STV debate on the Scottish referendum. This included setting up two systems, both of which were recorded using external hard disk recorders, and had a feed sent to the cameras for live broadcast. Due to the event being a live talk and debate, many of the microphones involved were smaller clip on type mics, which were interesting to use as i had not really seen these before. It was also interesting to see how other technicians work, such as the lighting crew and the video technicians.
Wednesday 26th March

I have completed my action plan, including SWOT analysis and a Gantt chart. I showed my finished plan to my project lecturer during a mentoring session, who said that it was a very strong plan, however i could improve it some by including a section on how i plan to integrate knowledge from the core subjects of the course into my project. I have taken this advice on board and plan to update my plan before the end of the week.

Thursday 3rd April

Today we had a band in to record a cover song in the college studio. This recording session went well, and allowed us to try some new techniques, such as putting microphones on the top and bottom of the snare and inside and outside of the kick drum to experiment with different sounds. We also tried out using more than one type of microphone at a time on the guitar amplifiers, to get two guitar channels with slightly different sounds that we could blend together. I have taken pictures of the microphones used, and a copy of the wave files recorded so that i can mix and master the recording for my portfolio. 
Thursday 10th April

I completed a spectrum analysis today in my sound reinforcement class, along with pictures, which i think i will include in my portfolio in order to show integration of knowledge from both my sound production class and my theory. I have also began mixing songs for my portfolio today, and i have been researching mixing skills and tips. The most useful source of information i have found personally are videos on you tube, especially from channels such as TheRecordingRevolution and Pensado'sPalace. The former channel, TheRecordingRevolution, has been especially helpful to me, with over 90 short five minute videos each with a simple tip or skill to improve an overall mix. This channel also introduced me to the Sonnox Inflator plug-in from Oxford, which i have found especially effective on guitars and drum overheads and cymbals, and i have used it quite a bit in my mixing.

Tuesday 15th April

I have created a profile and blog on blogspot.com, and i have now uploaded my completed plan to the blog, as well as added some of my screenshots and pictures from my mixing and recording sessions. I plan to begin analyzing these sessions soon as well as add pictures and explanations for the live sound events i am taking part in. 

Saturday 19th April

Over the weekend i have picked up and thoroughly read two research books that i planned to use to gain more knowledge and skills in mixing and mastering. These books are "Mastering Audio: The Art and the Science" by the well known mastering engineer Bob Katz, and "Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio

I found out today that the graded unit presentations have been pushed back to the first week in June, so i have a months worth of extra time, which i will hopefully use to complete an extra mix and partake in some more live sound gigs that i can use to bolster my portfolio and experience.

This weekend i helped in the setup and rehearsals for a theatre production in the Eastwood Theatre. I learned quite a bit from helping during setup, as most of the microphones that we used were either hand held radio frequency mics or radio mic headsets connected to a transmitter pack, and i had never really used RF microphones practically before. It was also interesting to see how the Theatre had all of their audio equipment installed and patched, all though this did create quite a bit of confusion at times when people who had used the system before us had routed or patched signals elsewhere and hadn't reset it or taken any notes.

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