

Assessment of Original Objectives

 Objective                                                                Date   Completed
Produce at least 3 mixes using various DAWS programmes
2st May

Produce at least 1 re-mix
2st May

Produce at least 1 studio recording
11th April

Produce a surround sound recording and mix and complete a spectrum analysis
25th April

Create masters of productions and document recording, mixing and mastering stages
5th May

Maintain and complete a logbook and upload it to my blog
12th March

Collate all of my master mixes and documentation into a portfolio on my blog
9th May

Create a presentation to showcase my knowledge, experience and abilities
9th May

I feel that i have completed my main objectives for the project well, as i have met all of the above initial goals apart from including a surround sound recording in my portfolio. Otherwise, my project went well, and i was able to produce 3 mixes using different DAWS, 1 remix, and 2 multitrack recording sessions, all of which were mastered and uploaded to soundcloud and embedded on my blog. I also included other evidence in my portfolio such as extensive live sound experience, microphone techniques and a system design assignment which show my knowledge of both audio theory and practical skills. I also added a section on copyright issues where i explained any copyright or contract concerns relating to works in my portfolio.

I also feel that there were lots of parts of my project that went well for me. For example, i think that i had a very solid action plan from the beginning, which included clear tables and bullet point outlining my goals and plans for the project, as well as a Gantt chart to help with time management. I also started to plan out my project quite a while before we were due to officially start the graded unit, meaning that when other people were on their planning stages, i could go right ahead to working on my presentation and portfolio. 

I think that my presentation was effective as i was able to include lots of pictures from gigs i had worked at and from studio recording sessions in the college, as well as screenshots of the arranging and editing process for my mixes. I also had a strong logbook, which included notes on the gigs i had worked at, my actions during DAWS work, and my thoughts on the presentation preparation process, as well as some books and videos i had researched to help my mixing.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Good planning, structure and time management.
  • Produced a good amount of audio examples to show my skills
  • Included lots of Photos in portfolio and presentation
  • Lots of analysis and evaluation of my project throughout
  • Most goals and objectives met
  • Good presentation with examples and delivered in good time
  • Sometimes spent too much time working on portfolio, extra time would have been better used doing my presentation
  • Audio examples definitely would have helped to illustrate points made in presentation
  • Could have managed time slightly better and focused my attention more on what would get me points for the project
  • Could have slowed down my speaking during presentation and explained information better  
Knowledge and Skills Gained
I feel that i have gained quite a bit of knowledge and skill, particularly in DAWS work and mastering, throughout this project. I researched quite a lot on mixing tips and skills, and i drew lots of knowledge online, especially from you tube channels such as RecordingRevolution and Pensado'sPalace. I have also gained practical live sound experience, from using digital console systems and mixing front of house using an iPad, to using more traditional analogue desk to mix monitors.

My recommendations for a future similar project would be as follows:
  • Have a solid portfolio of audio examples planned from the start of the project and concentrate on working on that.
  • Stay focused on what will gain me points in the project and try not to get side-tracked in over analyzing and evaluating work.
  • Manage timescales better and use any additional time in a constructive manner (i.e working on presentation or mixes).
  • Include audio examples in any future presentation to better highlight audio processing and general DAWS work.
  • Make greater use of the available mentoring sessions available at each stage of the project to keep on track.
  • Practice my presentation more to ensure i would be more familiar with the layout and information to be conveyed.
 I feel that my project met the requirements of the original brief well, as i have successfully created an extensive portfolio, and presentation, which both show the wide variety of knowledge and skills that i have learned throughout the two years of the HND course, and also show that i have taken part in lots of networking and live sound work outwith the normal college requirements. I think that the evidence and analysis that i have produced show that i am capable of working in a professional and effective manner, both in the role of a live sound engineer, and also as a freelance mixing engineer.   

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